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成都幼儿园挡鼠板厂家热卖 防鼠神器优惠批发

2019/12/18 3:12:32发布148次查看
mice and humans is one of the most closely related animals, from humans began to settle in farming with home - a mouse attached to a living human beings, always and everywhere against humanity. it's the kind of large quantities, adaptable, able to survive so far in the case of ancient people cry, become a human uninvited, unwelcome guest. in our various existing number of rodents is four times the population, such a large group in terms of the spread of disease, harm the economy, or the extent of the damage on the ubiquitous, are warning that we must resolutely set the mouse to the resurrection fast. mice often madness raging in the distribution room, computer room, barn and other damage lines, burned equipment, infectious diseases, great harm. therefore, mounting block mouse plate distribution chamber, room, silos and other lines used to block the destruction mice, and other infectious diseases. barrier rat has played a good role. east hui license plate that rodent what characteristics does the east-hui to produce aluminum block mouse board to block the mouse, made of aluminum alloy customization. the new aluminum alloy block mouse board replace the old block mouse plate, practical, strong, durable, long time. board consists block mouse board surface and slots, the appearance of the visible portion of the aluminum alloy custom, yellow and black affixed reflective warning stickers. 1, a block mouse board qualities are produced from aluminum alloy, block mouse board surface embalmed. 2, block mouse board is mounted on the door frame, convenient construction, easy to disassemble, convenient power plants, and other handling equipment room. 3, the stopper plate portion mouse with reflective strips easily identified at night, people are prevented from tripping.



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