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2020/1/1 12:39:05发布128次查看
automatic flag-raising function of the system: time synchronization flag and the song is playing (the national anthem or song, etc.), and to ensure that the flag height as designed - for banner no. 2, flagpole height of 11-18 meters from the ground, for banner no. 1 of 14 -18 m; flagpole 5 flags may be hung up, and make the telescopic flagpole (flagpole compositions, i.e., may be suspended at least 3 flagpole flag, together with the extension rod, respectively 4 or 5 may be suspended flags); having improved protection, establish two limit switch, and a mechanical anti-recoil protection; flag control points local manual, local automatic, remote control in three ways, the local control achieved by installing in the system control cabinet buttons and lcd touch screen, to remote control by a host of industrial-grade computer networking. manual control mode using relay control circuit; local automatic control using embedded controller controls and provides lcd touch screen as man-machine interface; remote control has remote control of the host computer to achieve; in short, the entire system uses three means of protection to ensure the system it can be remote computer crashes, network communications interruption, damage to the local controller, inverter and other harsh conditions, failure to complete the first flag-raising task. remote control panel can control up to 31 sets of equipment were down flag, in accordance with professional requirements and provides synchronization of audio output; remote control panel has a friendly user interface, improved security authentication mechanism; system already contains more than 40 set by the relevant international race the commission approved the national anthem libraries and more than 130 flags of the library; the system can be increased or decreased at any time data in the database, to meet the increased demand flag national anthem. remote host may control access to the ethernet, and provides a program call interface, thereby enabling an authorized user on the network to control flag system. the system uses an open platform for easy expansion of the system, which will help venues system integration.



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